For lot owners


Please complete this form and return to Sunstate Strata. Your request will be forwarded to the Committee for their consideration and approval and you will be notified in due course. Please note that Sunstate Strata are not authorised to approve your application.

The following particulars are required to assist the committee make their decision.

Body Corporate Details
Personal Details
Details of refurbishment you wish to carry out, including description, colour, materials, size etc *
Approximate length of time for refurbishment
Approximate hours tradespeople will be carrying out works (please note that works are unable to commence earlier than 8am and no later than 5pm)
Will your refurbishment require the use of Jack Hammers? *Please note that approval must be granted to commence jack hammering as other lot owners will need to be advised.
Any special requirements for the tradespeople. Eg. Parking, access etc
NB – If you have any documentation, photographs etc. that may assist with the committee’s decision please attach them to this request.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
    I confirm that the information above is true and correct and I acknowledge that I have read and accepted all conditions as stipulated in the Body Corporate By-laws.*
    I acknowledge that I will be responsible for all costs associated with making good any damage caused by the tradespeople working on my refurbishment. I acknowledge that I will be responsible for ensuring the tradespeople abide by the Body Corporate By-laws. I acknowledge that I will be responsible for obtaining any Council approvals required.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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