Short term letting affecting Strata

Short term letting affecting Strata

Have you ever wondered what happens when a lot owner starts short term letting and how it affects the ability of the body corporate to get the required statutory insurance? If so, you might want to...

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Legal Action Limitation Periods Explained

Legal Action Limitation Periods Explained

This article was written by Jason Carlson and Eloise Soper-Smith of Grace Lawyers. Whether it is taking on a developer for imposing an unfair caretaking agreement on the community or suing your...

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Rights of Access to Lots

Rights of Access to Lots

Many bodies corporate are mistaken about their rights to access lots. There is a right to access a lot only for specific purposes and in accordance with the Act. If you want to read an appeal...

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Is it Defamatory to Call Someone Unfinancial?

Is it Defamatory to Call Someone Unfinancial?

This article was written by Frank Higginson at Hynes Legal It must be the season for ‘interesting’ defamation proceedings. This one will be of special interest to the strata managers (and perhaps...

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Defamation in Strata

Defamation in Strata

Defamation in Strata An article written by Hynes Legal Most of our articles are Queensland centric. This one is effectively national, because while defamation is something that our constitution...

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